Album Review - Adrienne Osborn & S.T.A.R. - “The Phoenix, The Flame”

Tutelage Led By Vinny "Bond" Marini Wednesday, January 12, 2011 0 replies
What do you call a band with a shared belief that “we can all access a multitude of other frequencies than the five senses allow,” one that has a mission to “encourage people to live truthfully and courageously?” A band that calls their fans SuperSTARS and encourages them to send in short inspirational stories by sending verses and will then cut additional versions of the song with those submissions...
Americana, bluegrass, roots; it seems recently these are the fastest growing musical genres. Many bands try to capture the pure sound of mountain music but most end up with a weak impersonation of the music. Out of Canada comes country-bluegrass that would make Bill Monroe smile....

Tuneage Tutelage Album Review - Barbara Blue "Royal Blue"

Tutelage Led By Vinny "Bond" Marini Friday, October 1, 2010 2 replies
Ms. Barbara Blue is a Memphis original, even if she was born in Pittsburgh, PA. Holding court at Silky O’Sullivan’s Pub on Beale Street some 5 nights a week for the last 13 years, Ms. Blue has released seven albums in that time, the last three all Live recordings. This week, her 8th album will drop. It is called ROYAL BLUE and it is a winner. Recorded at the famous Royal Studios here in Memphis (the history of this studio is fodder...

Tuneage Tutelage Review - Moreland & Arbuckle - "Flood"

Tutelage Led By Vinny "Bond" Marini Tuesday, June 15, 2010 0 replies
It was the night before the 2010 Blues Awards here in Memphis, Tn and I found myself at The Juke Joint on Beale Street to see Brandon Santini and Delta Highway. During the second set of the night Brandon invited musicians in the room onto the stage to jam and one of the participants was Dustin Arbuckle. That night I heard his harmonica playing for the first time and was immediately struck by his technique. Later that evening, Brandon...

Tuneage Tutelage - Miles, As Fast As You Can

Tutelage Led By Vinny "Bond" Marini Monday, May 24, 2010 0 replies
The band is called Miles and is composed of Marc Plotkin on vocals, guitar, saxophone, percussion, organ, and Benjamin Jacobs on bass, vocals, guitars, percussion, piano, organ, synthesizer, and drum programming. Then they surround themselves with talented musicians like Kenneth Flax, Ryan Andrews and Nick Svoboda on drums, Brandon Sherman on guitar, and Adam Ahyia on piano and what you come up with is a truly enjoyable set of music from...

The Young Rascals - The Rascals

Tutelage Led By Vinny "Bond" Marini Friday, May 14, 2010 2 replies
Today, I get to take over here and share with y'all a bio of a band that was huge for me as a teen. This Tutelage will be archived on my blog TUNEAGE TUTELAGE . It was the early 1960’s and a young Felix Cavaliere (keyboards and vocals) was a student at Syracuse University and playing in a band called Felix & The Escorts. One day a call came asking if he would join the band Joey Dee and The Starliters (they of “Peppermint Twist”...

10/03/08 - Allman Brothers Band - Wrap Up

Tutelage Led By Vinny "Bond" Marini Friday, October 3, 2008 0 replies
ALLMAN BROTHERS BAND - Part 4 To read Part 1 go HERE To read Part 2 go HERE To read Part 3 go HERE We end this week of Allman Brothers with some basic facts, more pictures (remember, all photos enlarge by clicking on them), and music for you to enjoy....

10/02/08 - Allman Brothers Band - Part 3

Tutelage Led By Vinny "Bond" Marini Thursday, October 2, 2008 0 replies
THE ALLMAN BROTHERS - PART 3 You can read Pt.1 HERE You can read Pt.2 HERE 2008 - (L-R)Jaimoe, Marc, Butch, Greg, Derek, Oteil, Warren The Allman Brothers had to pick themselves up after the double tragedy. It was the end of 1972 and they were in the middle of recording their next studio album Brothers & Sisters. Lamar Williams was asked to join the group to take over for Berr...